08 January 2008

the US presidential election


I really like watching the current US presidential primaries happening in key cities of America these days (Iowa, New Hampshire, etc). I love their idea of just fielding two candidates of opposing ideologies (no middle ground here) to run for the presidential race. But first, before the final two are selected, the presidential hopefuls will run against people from their own party, i.e. for Democrats its largely Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. This part is the PRIMARY, and only selected states are chosen to vote. In Iowa, Obama won while in New Hampshire, Clinton won (reportedly because she cried and got the voters' sympathy, lol). The US presidential election will be on November and I hope by that time, the US economy will be back in full swing! I earn dollars online and it really sucks that $1 is only P40 now! Apparently it's not because our peso is getting stronger but because the US economy is experiencing recession. Tsk!

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