27 November 2008

happy thanksgiving!

And just so I’ll do something new in this blog, I joined the Booking Through Thursday meme for the first time ^_^ And being Thanksgiving Day in the US today, the meme’s topic is THANKFUL:

So–just for today–how about sharing 7 things that you’re thankful for?

This can be about books, sure–authors you appreciate, books you love, an ode to your public library–but also, how about other things, too? Because in times like these, with bills piling up and disaster seemingly lurking around every corner, it’s more important than ever to stop and take stock of the things we’re grateful for.


Here's my take on the meme-- the seven things I'm thankful for today: my good health and that of my family + friends, Labsie enjoying his trainer work, it’s a sunny day today (its been rainy the past few days and I just stayed in bed, sooo lazy!), our super cute and playful dogs, the horrific Mumbai bombing / hostage crisis is winding down (I’m on CNN/BBC right now), my youngest sibling is getting mature (he’s 23yo, LOL), and that Labsie + I are enjoying our (newly) married life! ^_^ How about you? What are you thankful for?



hi melissa, i've added u into the World's Largest Blogroll!

Nice blog and wish u having a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello melissa, how are you doing? Dang dang dang dang~ This is bb community from bbmarketplace.blogspot.com. Just to inform that i've back to my blog again and i wish you could enjoy reading over there. Oops, just to remind that the World's Largest Blogroll has move to bbmarketplace.blogspot.com as well.

Have a nice day!

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